
Monday, April 1, 2013

Out of Commission

I am suffering from some unexpected lower back pain, brought on last Thursday when I was finished cleaning out the chicken coop and just reached in to pet one of the girls and heard what felt like my nerve endings all suddenly screamed.  I immediately felt like I was going to loose my balance and sat down for a few minutes in a nearby chair.  When I attempted to stand up, I could not become completely vertical but was only able to get to a stooped over stance.  On occasion  I, like everyone else have picked something up 'wrong' and felt an uncomfortable pull but this felt different.  I initially came in the house and just went back to work sitting at my desk for several more hours.  I reluctantly made dinner and went to bed with a couple of Tylenol PMs in me for some relief.  In the morning, it felt sore but not excruciating so I did my regular routine and went on with my day.  Sitting in my office chair was OK but getting up and sitting down was then the pain was most noticeable   Hubby took over some of the chicken, pet and kitchen duties over the weekend and I did rest a few extra hours in bed on Saturday morning but tried to return to 'normal' on Easter Sunday. Well that was my mistake.  Another couple Tylenol PM before bed did practically NOTHING - pain and rediculous insomnia was all I got out of the deal.  I slept less than 3 hours overnight and by morning could barely move.  After making an attempt to get up for work around 7 am, I returned to our bedroom briefly to just get my barings before heading downstairs which proved to be my undoing.  I sat down and simply could not get up by myself.  Paulie had already left for work by then so I was kind of stuck.  I made an attempt to retrieve my cell phone to call work only to turn right around to bed.  Luckily I have a very understanding manager and I was actually able to get a few hours of sleep.  But even with all that, the dogs can't use the toilet so I had little choice but get my ass out of bed.   Chickens needed to be fed and given fresh water as well as egg collection - all of this made me miss not having kids all so much more!  Now I wait for Paulie to come home to take care of me because I've been strong here alone but the moment he comes home, I'll turn into a 5 year old in pain.  Wish me luck!


  1. Sorry to hear about this, Natasha. Good luck to you....I hope you recover quickly! Hugs!

    1. Thank you Penny, I'm still 'healing' but get annoyed with how long it takes. Like in many households, when the woman is out of commission pretty much everything comes to a standstill.
      :) Natasha

    2. oh, you hit that nail right on the proverbial head.....when the female head of the household is gone, out of commission, or otherwise not able to be there to take care of things as usual, the whole house just kind of idles....things don't get done, do they?!?

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Linda, I HATE being less than a 100% so this is a challenge on more than just one front!
      :) Natasha

  3. Oh my, Natasha I hope you're feeling better soon. As my Portuguese Grandmother used to say, "tu repouso e curar" (not sure on the spelling), but it means "you rest and heal". Take care. Elsie T.

    1. Thank you Elsie, I am feeling a little better today. I was able to stand up straight and did my 'chicken' duties without cringing. It's a slow process to be back to 100%.
      :) Natasha

  4. Take care and I hope you feel better soon

    1. Thank you Debbie! I am feeling better today but am taking it easy just to avoid re-aggravating the injury.
      :) Natasha


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