Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rude Comments - Strong Language

I woke up this morning to the above two video comments, and to tell you honestly I'm shocked.  It takes a lot to shock me but this certainly did it.  I don't know the individual who left the comments but they appear to have an issue with Russians or Ukrainians, not sure which or both but it does not really matter.

This brings to light an issue many people are dealing with, in the Anonymous Internet age - how do you protect and defend your name and/or likeness?
What causes some to be so vocal to complete strangers?
Why is it OK to say anything and everything?  
What happened to good manners?
What attracts the type of person who is willing to be abusive and venomous to someone they don't know?
What makes an individual jump to conclusions based on a small sampling of who you are?

I don't expect to answer most of these questions but I hope it starts a discussion.  What probably got to me the most is the reference to me being a mail order bride spending my husband's money.  If only this poor schmuck knew the truth - I am gainfully employed, I've been in this country for 34 years and only met my husband when I was 27, I earn more money that he does so technically he is more likely to be spending 'my' money.

Silliness and rude behavior is prevalent.  I don't post drunk pictures of myself on Facebook because, well I don't get drunk but if I did, I would be sure to have an app on my ever present cell phone that stops me from making a fool of myself.  Is it really necessary to swear in every post/comment?  Are there no other words in the English language that could convey the point across?

I addressed this by blocking the user from ever posting on my YouTube channel.


  1. Natasha, so sorry you started your day this way! I don't have words to fix or change it, but I want you to know that I share your outrage! I still believe there are more good people than bad and that, unfortunately, sometimes the bad have more time on their hands so as to write crap like that. Teena

    1. Teena,
      I was shocked but not entirely surprised. The strong language used was out of the ordinary for any of my videos. I've had crass comments left in the past but none as vicious as these and for no apparent reason. People are STRANGE! Thanks for the support! I won't let one idiot spoil my mood or the fun I have making and posting videos.
      :) Natasha

  2. Natashia, I'm so sorry about the posts on your channel. I guess it's easy to be mean and nasty when they don't have to show their face. One look at the picture for his name and I think it tells a lot. I don't understand how people can do this either and I wish I had the answers. I hope you don't let it bother you too much. You are a very good, sweet person and his comment is just trash. Cherie

  3. I take no notice of the idiot them type of people are not worth the trouble just block him and forget about him
    we all love you and love your videos I for one really look forward to them i love it when you do your tour type videos as well as your pet ones and oh of course the craft ones lol

    keep smiling girlie

    Karen (orkney)

    1. Karen,
      I ordinarily don't either but this one had a particularly hateful tone so I reported it to YouTube and blocked the user from my channel/videos.
      :) Natasha

  4. Natasha...
    OMG lady! Sorry to see this type of language and behavior on your YOUTUBE Channel. It is un-called for and horrible for people to do this. Hopefully you won't let it get to you but you have my complete support! As someone mentioned earlier....there are always bad people out there and you have to consider the source it came from. You are the only one who knows your circumstances so what anyone else says about it should be ignored! Keep showing your wonderful videos and recipes my friend! I don't care what anyone says "I love them" anyway.....
    Hugs, Cheri

    1. Cheri,
      I don't let it get to me, shocking but there are all sorts of trolls out there. I did however take care to protect myself on YouTube so he's been reported and blocked!
      :) Natasha

  5. Natasha!

    Just think if your getting hate comments you are actually reaching a bigger audience than you think and your haters are jealous! You rock girl and good for you on the banning of an idiot who obviously does not have that much mental capacity.

    Big Hugs


    1. Kathleen,
      People are strange but I guess I always expect best but sometimes get worst. It's OK, I see this as a tiny issue that I resolved.
      :) Natasha

  6. Dear sweet Natasha, I am so sorry that you recieved such nasty comments. The world is full of crazy people! So very immature! Online these people hide behind their computers and feel safe at home. I wonder if they would say these things in real life? On the plus side though.... you get WAY more positive comments than negative ones. At least we can block them from ever commenting again and cut them out of our lives forever! Have a sweet, peaceful, happy day! :)
    ~Christina B.

    1. Christina,
      Thank you for your sweet words, I am perfectly fine with people disagreeing with me or not liking a particular subject/project video but this was just vile hatred with no basis. Silly idiot, had no idea who he tried to tangle with!
      :) Natasha

  7. So sorry Natasha, I had a rude comment the other day on a comment on another youtube channel I made and the guy basically said it's nice you can spent money on this stuff when there are people in the world starving you stupid wh*re and I'm like oh my gosh you dont' even know me and how much I dont' spend on myself and he was so rude so I just blocked him. Out of sight out of mind, sweetie the time it takes and the person who can do that is so much worse off than you because they are so sad and low. I hope that you can continue with peace in your heart and know that you are a good person and we enjoy your crafting very much so and don't even bother with them. ~Kelly Walkelmol

    1. Kelly,
      People apparently make all sorts of assumptions, many inaccurate but with the anonymity of the Internet they feel braver. Many of the things posted online would never be said face to face. I wish people would remember that more often. Thank you for your kind words.
      :) Natasha

  8. Hey Natasha,
    I wouldn’t sweat it. I have notice a growing trend among teens or young adults, with their incisive need to release negativity on what has become an impersonal social media to them. They fail to understand it’s you’re not faceless or impersonal. It takes a lot of effort to put your face out there day in and day out. What I find disturbing about Ben7Roethlisberger is he doesn’t seem to have much of ethic since his icon photo displays what appears to be some half naked women pass out on the floor. His noting but a Trolley and its very evident by the comment he receives on his YouTube channel.

  9. WOW!!!!! I am disgusted to say the least! Yet another YouTube Gangster! We know and love you Natasha! XOXOXOXO! Ruckus says "Whassup & salute to you and hubby!"

  10. Wow Nata! Well we spoke on that deal... Ridiculousness!
    Warmest hugs

  11. I am so sorry this happened to you Natasha! I am glad you reported it to You Tube as well as blocking him. Their are (unfortuneatly) the nut cases out there who I will never understand why they act the way they do. I am also glad to know that you did not let it ruin your day sweetheart. Nobody deserves to be treated like this and people like these will meet their maker some day. They can explain it to him. Hugs Lori


I love comments and constructive critiques, just be kind, this is just for fun after all.